experience the benefits of

Electronic Data

By commissioning MDS to scan your information your business will then be able to benefit. Below are just a few benefits for you: 

  • free up valuable staff resource,
  • create a more usable office space which in today’s market is a premium.
  • Centralise all files with Built in a secure retention date.
  • Reduce Overall costs significantly
  • retrieve files by either hardcopy or electronic creating greater efficiency.

Midcoast Document Services can streamline your business records, and get growing volumes of documents and electronic data under full control. We can tackle challenges in storage, retention of files, archiving, digitizing. MDS can create an end to end solution to centralized scanning of files folders, EMP’s, Pracsoft, trim systems on demand.

Stay in control with 24/7 access to your records using Mid Coast Document Services, Portal Access, Phone with backup after hours or email

Implement proactive, legally sound classifications retention and destruction policies that protect your organization from discovery oversights.