About the company

Midcoast Document Services is a family owned business established in 2005 to help businesses and organisations on the Mid North Coast reduce costs and risks associated with information protection and storage.

We provide a modern storage repository, purpose built to satisfy the requirements of the NSW State Records Act.  This facility houses approximately 20,000 cartons.

We provide an efficient document storage and record management system with the in-house creation of a document through to its permanent storage or to its final destruction. For permanent records storage and ease of access when and if a document is required, is essential. After a short period of activity documents and records, although inactive, need to be retained for a period of time. For most organizations it is simply not economical to set-up their own facility

Records are stored under environmentally-controlled conditions, with low lighting levels, pest control etc.  All records are stored in identical cartons with only a barcode to distinguish between the otherwise identical cartons stored.  The location of your particular records is stored within secure management databases providing a high level of security.

Midcoast Document Services has invested in O’Neil software, the world’s leading records management system to keep track of all records held, their location and history of movements.

Whether you store active, semi-active or archived records with us, Midcoast Document Services give you the fastest document retrieval. On receipt of a faxed or e-mail request from an authorized member of your staff we can instantly locate your records and depending on your needs, scan these documents and have them available online or return the documents to you.

Having confidential records discovered at the local garbage tip can be devastating for any organization’s reputation.  The state and Federal Privacy Acts can also make it an expensive event. When records are no longer needed a destruction date can be entered on to the database and when the destruction date becomes due, Midcoast Document Services will contact you for authorization to destroy the documents.  Midcoast Document Services can arrange the destruction of these documents at our premises to ensure confidentiality.